
Posts Tagged ‘Ballet Portraits’

Child Portrait

Meet Natalie, she is a dancer at the ballet school with Amanda and after her mom saw Amanda’s ballet session she booked me to do the same thing for Natalie. I loved so many images that it was almost impossible to whittle it down for the blog. I wanted to post them all!
Ballerina Portrait

I stared at this image for a while. The backlight is just so soft and the shape of her leg… so pretty.
Ballerina Portrait

Love the colors in the art and her dress.
Ballerina Portrait

I have fun looking for artistic graffiti. It’s highly requested in my sessions.
Child Portrait
Child Portrait

Natalie was a natural in front of the camera and had a ton of fun. Amanda came along to help me and keep her company and Natalie’s mom, Shelly, the sweetest lady! She carried the wardrobe bag around the entire time. I think she had just as much fun as we did.
Child Portrait

Here it is again, that classic black and white head shot that everyone needs.
Child Portrait

As soon as the rain died down we headed outside… I just love downtown Tacoma. The picture possibilities are endless! Who needs a studio when you have a whole city!
Child Portrait

Her vintage looking ballet dress was simply beautiful and I loved it so much we used it for much of the shoot!
Child Portrait

Since it was still a little misty we decided to use an umbrella in some of the images and they ended up being some of my favorites.
Child Portrait
Child Portrait

Pointe shoes can be tricky to master on the ground, but even more tricky up on a pedestal high above the ground! This was Amanda’s idea and she helped her get her pointe shoes on, so Natalie didn’t lose her balance.
Ballerina Portrait

Ballerina Portrait

In my top 5 favorite images…
Ballerina Portrait

I have always admired the Spanish Stairs next to the old Elk’s building. I have watched them deteriorate over the years and it is sad. Many of the small stone columns are no longer standing, but the stairs are still grand to me. I love how they change with the season. In the Fall they have leaves littering the ground, but in the winter and early spring there is moss. It is a popular place for local photographers.
Child Portrait

After taking this shot and seeing it at home on the computer, Joe said to me, hey that is the exact spot we used in our band photo (back in the best era of all times, the 80’s)… I think he is actually standing on the same step that Natalie is sitting on.
Tacoma Band in the 80's

I have more… so many more to show you…
child Portait

This is Amanda’s favorite…
Child Portrait

I didn’t plan on using my ice cream chair in this shoot, but it came in handy with such a wet ground.
Child Portrait

We headed down to a nearby parking lot to get a few more… can you say 80’s!!!
Child Portrait

In fact, it oddly reminds me of someone else in the 80’s! 😀 Gotta love it! Sorry Joe, I know I will be sorry for this… be kind :).
Backstage Pass Band

This is one of Joe’s favorites.
Child Portrait

What a great day!
Child Portrait

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I love experimenting with textures, colors and effects, so I thought I would use Amanda’s images to experiment on. I am working on a new site that will show larger images, but for now remember to click on any of them if you want a closer look.
Amanda and I are always thinking of shoots… love that she has a creative mind too. This time we planned on a more traditional ballet session, but turns out I drove to an untraditional spot :). The weather just wasn’t right for the original idea, so we quickly changed course and came to this garage I found in downtown Tacoma. I have shot here before, but the graffiti is a new addition to it. It’s a great spot to use if it rains… there was even some fresh art being worked on as we shot.

I get my inspiration from a lot of different places… for this one it was a Marilyn Monroe photo I recently saw.
Marilyn Monroe

Sometimes the inspiration comes from the place I happen to be at… the light behind Amanda is magical and I love the grainy look if this image.

Or sometimes it is just from my thoughts in the middle of the night or how I am feeling at the time…

I have loved ballet since I was a child. There is just something about the movement of the ballerinas and the powerful and romantic music behind it. I love how I feel when I watch it… it envelopes me. Amanda attends the same studio I did as a child and she loves it too. It might have started out because of my influence but it has continued because of her love and dedication to it.

I have another ballet session coming up in a few weeks with another ballerina from the studio. Can’t wait! I know it will keep me up at night thinking of ideas for it, but that is ok… I am most creative then.

I love the power of this image…

And the beauty of this one…

My sweet girl…

There is just something about this that I like…

It’s funny, we never even noticed some of the writing and images on the floor of this garage, but when we got home and reviewed them on the computer I had to skillfully do some editing 🙂 hee hee

Notice the red polish…

Love eye shots!


And close-ups…
Ballet Portrait

Hope you enjoyed! xoxoxo

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Bailey is my daughter’s friend. She is a kind, loving child and is always laughing. Her and Amanda love hanging out together. Even though it was pouring rain all day we took advantage of a few minutes when it wasn’t raining and took some pictures of them.

They are both ballerinas and I thought it would be fun to get some shots away from the studio.
Love this one!

Before the rain hit, we also managed to get a few other images captured.

We had a great time together. I love that Amanda begs to go on photo shoots! It wasn’t that long ago that she dreaded me dragging her out, so I stopped. Now, she is begging ME. Nice change of events! Now to get that to happen with my son, I don’t think so!

I will end with a typical Bailey… happy and laughing! The movement in this image helps tell the story, don’t you think!

Thanks girls! xoxoxo

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